ベルナデッタ&ペトラ外伝 異境の空と地と Foreign Land and Sky
The war in Fódlan has put Brigid in a precarious position. With Bernadetta in tow, Petra returns to her homeland in hopes of avoiding a confrontation with her grandfather.
(書庫 昼)
Library | Daytime
ベルナデッタ: ふんふんふふーん……やっぱり部屋の空気は、動かないに限るなあ。
Bernadetta: Ah, nothing like a moment of perfect stillness...
ペトラ: ……部屋の空気、動かない、何故、限りますか?
Petra: Why is it preferable to have stillness?
ベルナデッタ: あぴゃあああああ!?ペトラさん!?
何で背中から話しかけるのよお……。せめて、横から! 姿を見せて!
Bernadetta: Ah! Petra? Please don't sneak up on me like that! Oh... You're here too, Professor? What's going on?
ペトラ: はい。しかし、その前、質問、あります。部屋の空気、動かない、利点、何です?
Petra: I was asking my question first. What are you enjoying about air that is still?
ベルナデッタ: あ、ええと、その、安心するよね。空気が動かないってことは……
Bernadetta: Um. Still air makes me feel better, that's all. It means you're in a nice, closed-off space where you can hide.
ペトラ: ……?開放的な、森、海、最高、思いますが。
Petra: But spaces that are wide and open are wonderful. Places like forests and oceans.
ベルナデッタ: あたし、ペトラさんとは、わかり合えないかも……。
Bernadetta: Guess we'll have to agree to disagree about that.
ペトラ: よく、わかりませんでしたが、回答、感謝します。
Petra: I am not understanding your answer, but I am appreciating your explanation.
I am reminded. I was wanting to ask if you wish to go to the forest or ocean with me?
ベルナデッタ: ……ふえ?
Bernadetta: Um. What? What part of anything I said would make you think I wanted that?
ベルナデッタ: ……つまり、ペトラさんのお祖父様が困ってるってことね。
Bernadetta: So your grandfather is in trouble. He's trying to lend us soldiers from Brigid, but...
ベルナデッタ: 帝国の戦力が増えたら困る教団も、ブリギットに遣いを送っている、と。
Bernadetta: The church is sending messengers there because they'd be in trouble if the Empire gets stronger.
ベルナデッタ: 敵対されたら困るエーデルガルトさんも、ブリギットに遣いを送っている、と。
Bernadetta: Edelgard is sending messengers there to convince Brigid she's not their enemy.
ペトラ: 遣い、といっても、すること、脅迫です。ブリギット、断る力、ありません。
Petra: You are saying messengers, but the truth is they are a threat. Brigid is having no power to refuse.
ベルナデッタ: 話はわかったけど、それで何で、あたしが行くってことに……?
Bernadetta: I get it, but what does this have to do with me?
ペトラ: 先生、言いました。
Petra: Professor was asking this of me. I was told...if I am going to a far away place, to be taking Bernie with me, since she is hiding away.
ベルナデッタ: はあああああっ!?先生、ベルに、何の、何の恨みがあああ!
Bernadetta: What?! Professor! What did I do to deserve this?!
ベルナデッタ: だいたい最近のベルは、ちゃんと部屋の外に出てるじゃないですかあああ!?
Bernadetta: I know I'm a recluse, but I do go out on missions once in a while!
ベルナデッタ: 確かにベルは引き籠もりがちですけどお!ちゃんと遠征だってしてますしいいい!
Bernadetta: I know I'm a recluse, but I do go out on missions once in a while!
Choice 1: 問答無用 You can't refuse.
ベルナデッタ: 横暴です! 権力乱用ですううう!あたしにだって、断る権利が……
Bernadetta: Tyranny! Abuse of power! I have rights!
Choice 2: 力を貸してくれ Lend me your strength. (Bernadetta ⤴)
ベルナデッタ: そう言われましてもね、あたしにだって、心の準備というものが……
Bernadetta: You say that, but I don't think I'm ready for this.
ペトラ: ベルナデッタ、わたしも、頼みます。あなた、是非、来てほしい、です。
Petra: Bernie, I am wanting this as well. Please join me.
ベルナデッタ: ……ぺ、ペトラさんにそこまで言われちゃうと、迷っちゃうなあ。
Bernadetta: Since you put it that way, Petra...I'll think about it. Do you really want me to go, Professor?
Choice 1: 来てほしい I do. (外伝戦闘へ)(Begin Paralogue battle)
ベルナデッタ: わかりました。これもみんなのため、あたしも一肌脱ぎましょう!
Bernadetta: All right. I'll lend a hand...for everyone's sake!
ペトラ: ベルナデッタ? 肌、脱ぐと、肉、骨、見える、しまいますが。
Petra: What is the point of lending a hand? Are you not needing both of them to battle?
ベルナデッタ: ち、違うううう!変な想像させないでええええっ!
Bernadetta: What?! No, it's a figure of speech! Oh, don't make me imagine that!
Choice 2: どうかな……(準備に戻る) I'm not sure. (Return to previous screen)
Petra: Maybe we are not needing you then. I will try borrowing the power of Her Majesty.
ペトラ: はい、来る、必要ないかもしれません。教団の力、借りる、試します。
Petra: Maybe we are not needing you then. I will try borrowing the power of the church.
ベルナデッタ: えっ……本当に? いや、引き籠もってられるのは、嬉しいけど……
Bernadetta: Um, OK... I don't mind shutting myself in like usual. But I can't say I feel good about all this!
ペトラ: 気、変わる、いつでも、言う、望みます。時間、ある限り、待つ、待ちますから。
Petra: If your mind is changing, please tell me. I will be waiting as long as I can.
ベルナデッタ: 先生! 大変ですううう!もうすでに敵が入り込んでますよおお!
Bernadetta: Professor, this is bad! The enemy's already here!
ペトラ: 兵力、敵、勝っています。しかし、わたし、腹案、あります。
Petra: In strength, the enemies may be winning, but I am having an idea... I have been hearing that my friends are being imprisoned in the western stronghold... We will be taking the stronghold and releasing our allies! Do not let loose your hope.
ベルナデッタ: ええええっ!? あっちは敵がいっぱいじゃない!?
Bernadetta: Wh-what? That side's crawling with enemies! We should go east! Way fewer of them over there...
ペトラ: 砦、制圧、完了です。
Petra: The capturing of the stronghold has been completed. Our friends from the stronghold will soon be aiding us in battle...
ペトラ: 援軍、用意、できる、ようです。共に攻める、しましょう。
セイロス騎士 or 帝国軍: 何だ、お前は!怪しい奴め!
Imperial Soldier: What's this?! You there! Identify yourselves!
ベルナデッタ: で、出たあああああ!?ベルは、ベルは無実ですうう! ひいい……
Bernadetta: Ah! They're here. I'm not the one you want. I'm innocent!
カトリーヌ: ブリギットの連中に、帝国に協力しないよう頼みに来たんだが……
Catherine: I came here to tell the people of Brigid not to join forces with our enemies.
Looks like the Empire had the same idea. Let's block the road and cut them off!
ヒューベルト: これはこれは。ブリギットに言うことを聞かせにきてみれば……
Hubert: Well, well, well. This little diplomatic errand to Brigid just got interesting.
It seems we have some special guests. Capture the road ahead before they reach it.
ペトラ: 道、塞がれる、祖父、会いに行く、できません。急ぐ、必要です!
Petra: If they are blocking the road, I will not have the ability to be seeing my grandfather! I must be moving quickly!
ペトラ: 先生、危険、近づく、あります。もうすぐ、敵、進路、塞いでしまいます。
Petra: Reinforcements are ready. Let us attack with each other!
ペトラ: ……祖父、会いに行く、できません。目的、失敗、です……。
Petra: Grandfather, I cannot be meeting you... My objective was failed.
vs カトリーヌ
カトリーヌ: ブリギットを帝国の僕にはさせないよ。アタシらセイロス騎士団が救うんだ!
Catherine: Brigid will not become a puppet of the Empire. The Knights of Seiros won't let it happen!
ベルナデッタ vs カトリーヌ
ベルナデッタ: ひいっ!? 雷霆!雷霆ですううううううう!
Bernadetta: Ah! It's Thunder Catherine! We're done for!
カトリーヌ: おっと、名乗る前に言われちまったか。
Catherine: Hey, I was going to say that! You didn't let me introduce myself. How rude.
Thunderbrand and I will have to teach you some manners.
カトリーヌ: チッ……これ以上は無理か……。まだ無事な奴は、連中を止めるんだ!
Catherine: I can't achieve anything more here. Keep fighting! Stop them!
vs ヒューベルト
ヒューベルト: ブリギットは帝国に臣従する……。貴殿らの助けにはさせませんよ。
Hubert: Brigid is a vassal of the Empire. You will not turn them against us!
ヒューベルト: またしても帝国に弓を引きますか、ブリギットの姫よ。
Hubert: So, Princess of Brigid. Now we see where your loyalties truly lie.
This, after we spared your life in return for naught but your fealty. How ungrateful.
ペトラ: 10年、経ちました。帝国、変わり……ブリギットもまた、変わります!
Petra: Ten years have been passed. The Empire has been changed, just as Brigid has!
ベルナデッタ: で、で、で、出たあああああああ!あんぎゃああああああ!
Bernadetta: Ah! They're here! Help me!
ヒューベルト: くくく……好きなだけ怯えてくれて構いませんよ。
Hubert: Heheheh. Go on and scream, if it makes you feel better. But if you could die swiftly and without a struggle, I would greatly appreciate it.
ヒューベルト: くっ……これ以上の無理はできませんな。まだ無事な者たちで、彼らを止めるのです。
Hubert: Heh. No more I can do here. Troops, remember your orders. I must withdraw.
ペトラ: わたし、攻撃、受ける、ですが、負けません!
ペトラ: 命の、危険、感じる、感じます。わたし、倒れる、わけ、いきません。
Petra: My life is endangered! I must keep alive!
ペトラ: 先生……祖父、伝える、願います……わたし……後悔、する……ありませんと……
Petra: Professor... Please, convey to my grandfather... that... I am without regret...
ベルナデッタ: ペトラさん!? 待って!……ペトラさん、逝っちゃだめえええええ!
Bernadetta: Petra!? Petra no! Don't leave us!
ペトラ: やりました。これで、祖父、会えます。先、急ぐ、しましょう。
Petra: It is done! Now, I can be meeting my grandfather. We must be moving with haste!
ベルナデッタ: はあ……ようやく、終わった?急ごう、ペトラさん!
Bernadetta: Finally over? Phew! All right, let's get out of here! This isn't exactly, um, the ideal environment for a recluse, you know.
ペトラ: わたし、祖父、話す、説得して、戻ってきます。
Petra: I will be speaking with my grandfather. Once he is convinced, I will be returning. Professor, everyone, please be waiting here. Enemies may still be nearby.
ベルナデッタ: わ、わかったよ。待ってるね。先生、敵が現れたらお願いしますよ!?
Bernadetta: Got it. We'll wait right here. And if anyone comes, um, the professor will handle it. Right, Professor?
ベルナデッタ: この辺の植物って、普段見てるものとやっぱり微妙に違うんですねえ。
Bernadetta: The vegetation around here's pretty different from the kinds we usually see.
It may be no good for a recluse, but the forest does have its own charms, doesn't it?
Choice 1: 意外…… I'm surprised to hear you say that.
ベルナデッタ: あれ、知りませんでしたっけ?あたし、緑とか好きなんですよ。
Bernadetta: Didn't you know? I love greenery! Especially carnivorous plants. They're my favorite.
Choice 2: 植物が好き? You like plants?
ベルナデッタ: ええ、そうです! 特にその中でも、食虫植物が一番ですね……。
Bernadetta: Sure do! Especially the carnivorous ones.
Byleth: 食虫植物…… Carnivorous plants...
ベルナデッタ: 普段はじっと引き籠もりのように動かず、ご飯は向こうからやってきてくれる。
Bernadetta: Yes! They just sit there, nice and still, and wait for their dinner to come to them! How great is that? And they all look so unique too!
Byleth: ………………。 ...
ベルナデッタ: 何です? もしかして先生も好きですか?食虫植物。なら……
Bernadetta: What? Don't you think so? Oh, look! Petra's back!
ペトラ: 待たせる、申し訳、ありません。無事、話、終わりました。
Petra: Sorry to be making you wait. I have spoken with him.
ベルナデッタ: ペトラさーん、お祖父様と久々に会って、どうだった?
Bernadetta: It's been a long time since you've seen your grandfather, huh? How'd it go?
ペトラ: はい、祖父、別段、変わった様子、ありません、力強く、ありました。
Petra: As is usual, my grandfather is well and strong. He was saying that he will be supporting us and giving us troops.
ベルナデッタ: ほんと? やったね!そしたら目的は、ばっちり達成?
Bernadetta: That's great! So we did it?
ペトラ: はい。感謝、します。
Petra: We did. You have my thanks.
Ever since we were losing the war to the Empire, Brigid has been viewed as a vassal state.
But with Fódlan at war...it is a chance for Brigid to be changing our situation.
Our cooperation today is part of that chance.
Brigid is wanting equality with Fódlan. We will be working hard to make this happen.
ベルナデッタ: ………………。
Bernadetta: Ah...
ペトラ: ベルナデッタ、どうする、しましたか?
Petra: Bernie? What is it you are feeling?
ベルナデッタ: ううん、ペトラさんはすごいなあと思って。独りで、異国の地から……
Bernadetta: You're amazing, Petra. You went all by yourself to a foreign country... You worked hard for your homeland, and you achieved your goal. I'm always focused on my own problems, and I barely ever get anywhere...
ペトラ: それ、間違い、です。あなた、わたしのため、戦ってくれました。
Petra: That is not the truth. You were fighting hard for me. You came here to be helping everyone. You were not thinking only of yourself. I am never doubting you were working hard. We will be working together to keep moving forward to the future.
ベルナデッタ: ペトラさあああああん!ありがとおおおおお!
Bernadetta: You...really mean it? That's so nice!
ペトラ: それに、あなた、わたし、言いました。異国の草木、興味ある、と。
Petra: And you were telling me about your interest in foreign vegetation.
That is one reason I wanted to be bringing you here. Did it make you happy?
ベルナデッタ: うん……叶うよ! とっても嬉しい!帰るまでにいっぱい絵を描かなくちゃ。
Bernadetta: It did! It was really exciting! I've got so many drawings I need to do before we head back!
I might even have enough to make it into a book!
Yeah, I should do that! Want to help, Professor?